If you or your system personnel are looking for re-certification hours for drinking water distribution (DS), drinking water treatment (DW), or wastewater treatment (WW) certification, you may find our course offerings in the form below. Scroll down to the first field –  Place/Date/Course # – in the form to view upcoming FREE courses. Courses are listed in chronological order of date with earliest at the top and latest at the bottom. 

Free Course Registration Form

Use the drop-down menu in the form to choose the class for which you want to register.

"*" indicates required fields

From the dropdown menu, select the course for which you are registering.
Name of Person Completing Form*
Please input your name whether you are the student or completing the form on someone else's behalf.
Please enter the best phone number at which to reach you. This phone number will be used for notification if the course is postponed/cancelled, etc.
Please enter an email address at which you receive email notifications. This email address will be used for notification if the course is postponed/cancelled, etc.
Not required. Please list any additional email addresses to which you would like communication sent.
Student Name(s)*
If completing the form for more than one student, please click the (+) at the end of the row.
Mo DNR Operator Certification # (if applicable)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Legislative Watch: Stay up to date on the latest bills of interest MRWA is tracking.